MBA, ako uznanie hodnoty manažérskeho vzdelávania
Sme poctení, že prestížna akreditačná spoločnosť Business Graduates Association, v rámci vzájomnej spolupráce, oslovila a poskytla priestor na rozhovor práve nám o veľmi akutálnej téme uznávania hodnoty manažérskeho vzdelávania.
Business Gradates Association okrem toho, že akredituje iba 2% najlepších vzdelávacích inštitúcií si pravidelne monitoruje a získava informácie ohľadom manažérskeho vzdelávania vo všetkých krajinách sveta. Sme poctení, že za Českú a Slovenskú republiku si vybrala práve Business Institut EDU a.s. Rozhovor sa niesol v príjemnom duchu.
Na otázky odpovedal Ing. Ivo Ducheček a ujasnil, ako je v republike vnímané manažérske vzdelávanie, kde vidí potenciál na zlepšovanie a rozvoj, ale aj to, čo chystáme do budúcna.
Dúfame, že takýto rozhovor nebol posledným a že aj my sme prispeli k tomu aby bolo MBA viac vnímané ako pridaná hodnota manažérskeho vzdelávania.
Students of MBA and related programmes would greatly benefit from greater recognition from the Czech Republic’s Ministry of Education, as would providers of post-graduate management education, says Ivo Ducheček, Director of Prague’s Business Institut EDU. ‘A change in the legislation would be a welcome step,’ he says.
For Ducheček, the value provided by Business Institut’s BBA, MBA and DBA programmes, both in-person and online, is clear from the employability of its participants. ‘There is literally a “battle” for our graduates,’ Ducheček says.
As well as discussing the need to adapt to students’ learning preferences and the need for continual improvement, Business Institut’s Director also outlines the School’s plans to maximise the benefits of the latest teaching technology and to expand internationally in this interview with Business Impact Content Editor, Tim Dhoul.
What are some of the biggest challenges facing providers of business education in the Czech Republic and the surrounding region, in your opinion?
Maintain students’ interest. Many students decide [where to study] on the basis of positive references, so it is important to direct attention not only to new students, but also to current students.
It is equally important to keep the quality and professionalism of the education provided. The biggest challenge is to continually improve, move forward and always provide a little more than the competition.
Is there anything you’d like to see change among providers of management education in the Czech Republic?
A change in the legislation would be a welcome step. Post-graduate management education is, in my opinion, as important as university education. Yet, in the Czech Republic, it is not recognised by the highest body, the Ministry of Education, as it is in other countries. Such a change would certainly be positive, not only for quality schools, but for MBA students themselves.
How is Business Institut working to boost the employment prospects of its graduates?
We regularly cooperate with the best headhunters and high positions are filled by our students or graduates. Overall, our form of teaching is built to be highly practical, so there is literally a ‘battle’ for our graduates in the job market. We regularly carry out research in this area, and this suggests that 98% of Business Institut’s graduates advance their careers immediately after graduation, which also means a significant salary increase.
How are programme curricula developed and refined at Business Institut to ensure that they remain in touch with the changing needs of both students and employers?
We ensure this development in two ways. Our employees, in co-operation with lecturers, regularly change, supplement and fine-tune the syllabus, study materials and structure of programmes, according to the latest knowledge, trends and methods and to ensure their continued attractiveness.
We also listen, and adapt, to the needs and demands of the students themselves and, based on their feedback, incorporate requirements. During group classes, it’s no problem to adapt the programme according to such requirements, or any practical interests, directly in class interactions.
Which single new programme course or initiative are you most excited about and why?
Currently, we are most pleased about the enormous interest in online MBA study, where we use the latest technology in our teaching.
Outline the importance of diversity to Business Institut’s strategy and why you feel it is a vital topic for business as a whole today.
In a saturated market, you must always be one step ahead of your competition, so we believe strongly in diversity, conceptuality and creativity. We want to give our students plenty of opportunities, to give them a choice, and to create conditions that are favourable to them. This is the basis of our studies. There are many programmes to choose from, different forms of teaching, and activities beyond teaching.
What are your hopes for the School in the next five years – what do you want to see happen?
In the next five years, we would like to provide most of our programmes in a purely online form, and to make them stand out through the kind of interactivity that new technologies can bring. For example, we would like to make more use of virtual reality in our teaching processes.
We are also looking to expand abroad to other European markets. Business Institut is one of the most prestigious providers in the Czech Republic, but we currently do not provide any international exchange or study programs. We are considering this for the future because we see potential in it.
Ivo Ducheček is the Director of Business Institut EDU a.s.